You are special, shouldn’t your healing be too?

Individual Therapy for Adults

Sometimes the need for therapy comes about because of a traumatic event, and chances are that as an adult you have experienced something very scary, upsetting, or humiliating. But sometimes, we just find ourselves stuck in negative patterns of thinking, feeling, or behaving and need help getting unstuck. As humans, we are born with an innate need for connection.

Therapy can provide a place to safely be heard without any judgment.

Individual Therapy for Children

Children from elementary to high school are experiencing record-high numbers of anxiety and depression. Combine that with navigating personal electronic devices, social media, and life changes or even trauma, and it’s easy to see why. I work with parents to help them learn how to better connect with and support their children.

I work with kids individually to give them a voice, to learn coping skills, and to safely work through upsetting events.